1 min read

Video clips for B2B news sites

Short-form video offerings -- brief clips of news or entertainment content distributed via the Web -- "are booming," according to the Wall Street Journal. The article suggests that as broadband penetration rises, the online medium becomes more video friendly.
More importantly, technology has put video production -- once the sole domain of those with TV studios and millions of dollars worth of equipment -- in the hands of everyone. Just as blogging means that anyone can now be a publisher, vlogging means that anyone can produce a TV newscast.
Some B2B publishers understand the potential.
You can find video offerings on CMO's Web site. CNET has tons of video. And Variety offers videos as well, although the publication recently downsized that department.
But most of our industry seems not to have noticed that video production has suddenly become easy and inexpensive. That's disappointing, but not surprising. Regular readers of this blog know that I have complained again and again that much of our industry doesn't seem to have a clue about even the basics of multimedia storytelling.
If you're a B2B journalist, it's well past the time for you to master multimedia skills -- if for no other reason than to increase your pay.
If you want to see one version of the journalist of tomorrow, keep your eyes on what Yahoo and Kevin Sites will do.
And if you want to see the video clip -- strange, lovely, addictive and otherworldly -- that I've been playing compulsively the past few days, click here.

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