1 min read

The start of something new

I've launched a new product that may be of interest to readers of this blog.
In recent months I've run into a lot of magazine executives and journalists who are fascinated with the blogosphere. Some of them sense that there is money to be made. Others are worried that bloggers are a threat they must respond to. Some recognize that blogging is a way to broaden the audience or to expand coverage. A tiny percentage see blogging as part of a wider and wonderful shift in media -- a move toward something more conversational and engaging, an evolution to user-driven, user-generated and user-controlled content.

And although interest in blogging has become widespread among magazine folks, expertise in blogging is rare. There are exceptions. There are good products from Variety, Wired, BusinessWeek and the now defunct CMO. But for every compelling product from a magazine, there are several that are just embarrassing.

I'll be talking about these issues at my latest venture, MagazineEnterprise360.
ME360 doesn't replace this blog. I'm going to do both.
That's because, as you'll see, although there is overlap, there are also some fundamental differences in focus and content.
Whereas this blog is a one-man show, ME360 is a product of my partnership with Hershel Sarbin, one of the most beloved and respected figures in magazine publishing.
And Hershel's expertise is part of the reason why the new blog will cover both B2B and B2C publishing, whereas this blog will maintain its focus on the great love of my career -- B2B journalism.
You'll also see ME360 and this blog have one major thing in common -- neither site accepts outside advertisers. I don't object to ads. But I don't believe they have a place in these products.

Take a look at ME360. Let me know what you think.  In particular,  share your thoughts on  this post about what makes for a good blog by a magazine.

tags: , , , , , ,  conversational media