1 min read

Sharp ends and sharp minds

"Skillset is important. But mindset is most important."
That's a quote from Rob Curley, one of the sharpest guys working in media today, writing about what the next generation of journalists needs to bring to the job interview. You can read the rest of Rob's thoughts by clicking here.
Or you can just wait until I speak at the College Media Advisers convention in March, at which time I'm likely to steal many of Rob's ideas.

(My thanks to The Guardian's Kevin Anderson, who pointed me toward Rob's most recent quote. And my thanks to Kevin also for including me with Howard Owens and Steve Outing on the list of journalists that "are at the sharp end" of the changes in our industry. I assure you all, if I have anything at all to contribute to the conversation, I stole it from Rob, Howard, Steve, Rex, Mindy,  Matt,  Adrian or any of the dozens of other folks, all much sharper than I, that populate the journalism blogosphere.)

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