A font of font wisdom
I'm not a design guy, although I know what I like when I see it. And I probably pay less attention to design issues now than I did in the past, because I'm one of those folks who think content is moving away from its containers.
Nonetheless, I have a bit of a thing for typeface.
I remember the first time I came across a font that I found compelling. Her name was Amelia, and she was the futuristic style used throughout the original "Rollerball" movie.
This week, New York City is filled with the sort of typeface groupies who try to merge utility and beauty in print. Check out this piece in the N.Y. Times about "TypeCon, a yearly gathering of typographers, printers, designers, calligraphers and assorted, self-described font freaks and type nerds who can argue about kerning into the wee hours."
And for an inside look at the world the world of fonts, check out the blog of Mark Simonson. Mark is attending TypeCon and blogging about the gathering.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines