1 min read

Folio picks its 40 most influential people

Folio magazine has published its Folio: 40 list of the most influential people in publishing. And I'm just thrilled to see that Jon Udell of IDG's Infoworld has made the list.

I'll take a wee bit of credit for this. The folks at Folio magazine were kind enough to seek my input to the Folio: 40 this year. They asked who I thought "represented the state of the art in the new world of b-to-be edit." And Jon was the first person who came to mind.

If you're a B2B editor, Jon is the guy you should try to emulate. He does all the things that his peers do -- writing, reporting, editing -- and he does them better than most. He's also the creator of all-new forms of storytelling (screencasting) and content organization (Infoworld metadata explorer.) And as Folio points out, Jon's blog is "powerhouse of knowledge that incorporates information with video and audio, essentially the next generation in online communication resources."

Take a look at the rest of what Folio said about Jon here.
Take a look at the entire Folio: 40 list here.
And while you're at it, check out this column, which quotes from an earlier post to this blog.

(DISCLOSURE: IDG is a client of mine. But I'm afraid I can't take credit for anything that Jon has ever done.)

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