1 min read

Circulation accusations at PC World

A few days ago I had the chance to travel to Cambridge, Massachusetts, and speak to a group of senior executives from IDG about engagement and online communities.
It was tremendous fun, as it always is when I meet with IDG folks.

Shortly after my return, Folio magazine broke a story saying that Teletype Co., a software firm that has accused Laptop magazine and the Audit Bureau of Circulations of inflating circulation numbers, has filed a similar lawsuit against IDG's PC World.

Longtime readers of this blog know that IDG is more than a client to me. Long before I ever made a penny with the company, I was a fan of much of what the people there have done. In a world such as B2B publishing, where I find far too many people of slow wit and questionable ethics, IDG represents all that is good about our industry. I have no reason to believe that anyone at IDG would do anything unprofessional. And I trust that my trust in the people at that company is not unfounded.

Given that, as I said in a comment on my friend Martha's blog a few moments ago, "I'm going to reserve judgment, for now, I'll assume that nothing unseemly has happened. I'm going to act as if this is just a misunderstanding of some kind. And I'll hope that if my optimism is unfounded and someone at IDG has done something wrong, that they are fired promptly."

tags: , , , , ,  conversational media,