Changing the economics of trade publishing
David Sifry has published part 2 of his State of the Blogosphere report, and everyone in B2B journalism should take a look.
Sifry, the founder and CEO of blog search engine Technorati, notes the rise of what he calls "the Magic Middle" -- bloggers that cover "topical or niche" areas and have 20-1000 other people linking to them. Sifry says about 155,000 people are members of the Magic Middle, and notes that they "in some cases are radically changing the economics of trade publishing."
Sifry singles out TechCrunch and Wi-Fi Net News as examples of influential blogs. And Sifry notes that these "Magic Middle" sites are often "interesting, exciting, informative, and witty." Given that this blog is part of the Magic Middle, I'll take that as a compliment.
For more on how new blog-based trade journalists are competing against established trade publishers, check out this post on the blog I share with Hershel Sarbin.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, advertising, newsletters, conversational media