1 min read

B2B video-on-demand service

On days when I can't get to the gym, I'll sometimes use Cablevision's video-on-demand services on my television and take a yoga or Pilates class through "Sportskool" or "MagRack."
The services are essentially instructional videos, usually bearing some sort of consumer magazine title. Yoga Journal, for example, produces classes for video-on-demand.
I've often wondered about the potential for similar B2B services.
And now someone has done it....sort of.
Home and Garden Television, a unit of E.W. Scripps, will produce three-minute videos for professional home builders. But HGTV won't offer the video through cable television. Users can access the product only through the Web at HGTVPro.com.
The videos are proving popular, according to the Associated Press, which says HGTVPro received 380,000 unique visits in its first 19 days of operation -- roughly half the number of the Web site of B2B trade publisher Hanley Wood.