ABM blog may be missing the point
Perhaps the best thing about the blogging world is that the rules are still being written. We're free to disregard some parts of media's past and embrace new ways of communicating. Many bloggers have, for example, decided to abandon objective style and instead follow the lead of Dan Gillmor and others.
And although I would hesitate to say that the blogsphere has its own hard and fast rules, I do think it's fair to say that some guidelines have emerged.
And it looks to me that American Business Media's blog may not quite understand this new medium.
Granted, ABM's blog is new. And things are likely to change. Nonetheless, I'm more than a little disappointed.
ABM's MediaPace has yet to provide a single external link in any of its copy. Nor does it have any permanent external links.
And I'm not the only person to note that ABM is struggling with the ethics of the blogsphere. As this article in Folio points out, the folks behind the ABM blog don't seem to understand the idea of transparency.
My fellow B2B blogger David Shaw has also raised concerns.
I remain hopeful that ABM will do a better job of showing our fellow B2B journalists what is possible with the tools of community journalism. And I'll ask that someone at the trade association take a look at this post at Susan Mernit's blog about the shortcomings of corporate blogging.